Rage is feeling of intense anger , a negative reaction fed by external cue.Rage makes you do things that may normally seem physically impossible, rage brings out high adrenaline levels in the body , this increase in adrenaline output  raises physical strength and endurance level in such a person.

      A person in rage may lose the capacity  to think and reason rationally,which may lead to violent acts of behavior. According  to research if feelings of rage occur  on a frequent basis some health complications may occur; which includes cardiac stress and hypertension. The person will also have lots of feelings of depression,

                      Few Tips To Help Calm Rage

1) Try and stay away as far as possible from people

2) Try sitting down relax and take deep breaths

3)   Drink some water to cool down, in like three gulps

4) You can lay down on your stomach and try to let yourself go

5) Take a shower either hot or cold depending on your preference

6) Let your anger out on a pillow

7) Go for a walk or run

8) If none work you might just let it out by screaming 

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